SIPOC Diagram | Example | PPT Template | Excel Template Download

What is a SIPOC Diagram?

→ A SIPOC diagram is a visual tool that is used for the analysis and mapping of the organization’s various processes.

→ The acronym of SIPOC stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer.

→ So with the help of this tool, we can easily analyze the process from the supplier end to the customer end.

→ It is a high-level Process Mapping Tool.

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→ It is widely used in the Lean Six Sigma Project.

→ SIPOC_Diagram is very helpful in continuous improvement projects like Lean Six Sigma.

→ Nowadays, This tool is a very famous process improvement tool.

→ This diagram helps us to understand any process.

→ SIPOC_Diagram is often used in the Define phase of the DMAIC Methodology.

→ It helps organizations resolve process-related issues and initiate improvement activities.

→ The Basic SIPOC_Diagram looks as mentioned below.

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Meaning of SIPOC

→ The meaning is explained below

→ As we know that the SIPOC stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer. Also, we will understand the meaning of all words

  1. Supplier – The supplier is the input provider into a process
  2. Input – The input of the process should be materials, information, and other resources that are needed to complete a process
  3. Process – A process is a series of interrelated structured steps for getting the desired output. Only, we can say that it converts input into an output
  4. Outputs – An output is either a product or service that we can get from the process
  5. Customer – The customer is the user or receiver of the output

SIPOC Diagram Example

→ We will understand the SIPOC_Diagram with the help of an example and a Case Study.

→ Before going forward we will understand how to create the diagram.

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SIPOC Diagram Example with Excel Template

How to create a SIPOC Diagram? 

→ We will understand the creation of a SIPOC_Diagram in very easy 7 steps

→ Basically, the SIPOC_Diagram is a simple table in which we need to mention process-wise steps that are related to the supplier, input, process, output, and customer.

→ We will refer to the below 7 steps for a better understanding of the SIPOC_Diagram.

  1. Identify the Proces
  2. Define the process steps
  3. List down the Outputs
  4. Identify the Customers
  5. Determine the Inputs required for the process
  6. Identify the Suppliers
  7. Validate the diagram

Step 01: Identify the process

→ Identify the_process for which we need to create the SIPOC_Diagram.

→ Also, communicate with the project team because it must require that all team members have clarity about the_process.


→ In this example, we will understand the SIPOC_Diagram for the "Corrective Action Process"

→ The process_steps are mentioned below that we will mention in vertical sequence as mentioned in the picture.

  1. Problem Confirmation
  2. Containment Actions
  3. Root Cause Investigation
  4. Corrective Action Implementation
  5. Verification & Closure

Step 02: Define the Process Steps

→ The Process is a set or sequence of activities.

→ We will consider the process_sequence as (1) Process, (2) Output, (3) Customer, (4) Supplier, and (5) Input.

→ The template of the SIPOC_Diagram process_sequence is mentioned below

SIPOC Diagram Process Flow

Step 03: List down the Outputs

→ Outputs are the products or services that we need to deliver to customers.

→ In this step, we need to mention the output of the process steps.

→ That we can see into the picture under the output column.

Step 04: Identify the Customers

→ In easy language, we can understand the customers as the consumer of the outputs that are produced by the process.

→ Customer may be internal stakeholder, or they may be the outsider of the organization.

→ The customer for the different processes and different outputs is different that we need to identify and need to mention in the customer column.

→ So we have identified different customers for the different processes and outputs that we can easily see in the above picture.

Step 05: Determine the Inputs required for the process

→ Input defines the material or information used by the process to produce the output.

→ Input is a very important part of the process because the variation in input might create a big impact on output.

→ We can easily understand the correlation of the Inputs with the process steps from the above picture.

Step 06: Identify the Suppliers

→ Suppliers are the provider of inputs to the process.

→ The supplier may be an internal stakeholder or maybe an outsider of the organization.

Step 07: Validate the diagram

→ Once the SIPOC_Diagram completes then we need to share it with all relevant stakeholders for validation.

→ If any modification requires then the basis of the team discussion the changes will be applied.

Benefits of SIPOC Diagram

→ It helps to define the new processes

→ It provides a project overview for any process to all the stakeholders

→ SIPOC Diagram helps for problem-solving and Improvement Projects like Six Sigma Projects

→ It is a high-level Process Mapping tool

→ Ensures all the stakeholders are on the same page

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