7 Types of Abnormalities | PDF Download | What is Fuguai?

What Is Abnormality? What is Fuguai in TPM?

→ Anything which is not normal that is called an abnormality

→ Fuguai is a Japanese word.

→ Fuguai means abnormality.

→ We can also say that the abnormality is a deviation from the standard requirement.

→ The abnormality is a very popular concept in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

→ Various types of abnormalities are the part of Jishu Hozen Pillar in TPM.

→ Abnormality classification Matrix is also prepared in the JH Pillar of TPM

→ Abnormalities create a negative impact on productivity, quality, cost, delivery, morale, and safety.

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7 Types of Abnormalities in TPM

→ There are 7 Types of Abnormalities available in Jishu Hozen Pillar in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

→ The 7 Types of Abnormalities are mentioned below.

  1. Minor Flaws
  2. Unfulfilled Basic Conditions
  3. Inaccessible Places
  4. Sources of Contamination
  5. Sources of Quality Defects
  6. Unnecessary Items
  7. Unsafe Places

7 Types of Abnormalities in TPM

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7 Types of Abnormalities with Examples

→ The 7 Types of abnormalities with examples are explained below.

01. Minor Flaws

→ Minor Flaws is the abnormal condition that is related to any play, slackness, or damage part available in any mechanism.

→ Minor Flaws mainly we can found between the various rotating parts like shaft, bearings, couplings, and gearboxes.

Examples of Minor Flaws:

→ Crack, Crush, Damage, or Deformation of any part of drive or mechanism

→ Slackness in belt or chain mechanism

→ Play available between shaft, bearing, and gearbox. It may be tilt, center out, eccentricity problem, wear distortion, corrosion, etc.

→ We can identify Minor Flaw type of abnormalities by abnormal noise, vibration, overheating, the strange smell coming from part/machine, incorrect pressure or current.

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02. Unfulfilled Basic Conditions

→ Unfulfilled Basic Conditions is the abnormal condition that is related to not fulfilling the basic condition of the machine to operate.

→ That is mostly related to Cleaning, Lubricating, & Tightening related things.

→ Before starting the production we need to check about the unfulfilled basic condition-related abnormalities.

Examples of Unfulfilled Basic Conditions

→ Dirt, dust, leakage, and damage part available at the machine.

→ Lubrication supply found dirty, damaged, or deformed.

→ Oil level indicator also found dirty, damaged, or in leakage condition.

→ Nuts and Bolts are in slack/loose condition, Nuts and Bolts are missing, Cross-threaded, damaged or too long found.

→ Washer, Wing Nut, Washer, Locknut not available in the necessary place.

03. Inaccessible Places

→ If we cannot access the machine or any area for cleaning, lubrication, inspection, retightening, or regular operation purpose, that is called Inaccessible Places.

→ For eliminating this kind of abnormalities we can implement some Kaizens at the working place.

→ Kaizens may be related to process change or design change.

Examples of Inaccessible Places

→ We cannot clean the machine, it might be due to machine construction, machine covers, machine layout, etc.

→ We can not lubricate the machine, it might be due to the position of lubricant inlet, construction, height, lubricant outlets, space.

→ The operator can not check the critical parameter, it might be due to construction, covers, layout, Instrument position, and Orientation.

→ The operator can not tightening of nut and bolts, it might be due to covers, construction, layout size,  and, Space.

04. Sources of Contamination

→ Source of Contamination includes any types of leakages, spillage, scattering, or overflows of any material.

→ These kinds of abnormalities can create bad impacts on productivity, quality, and cost.

→ We can eliminate this by implementing various Standard Process Checklists.

Examples of Sources of Contamination

→ Leakage, Spillages, Scattering, or Overflows of any product, raw material, lubricants, or gases.

→ Scrap material like flashes, cutting chips/burrs, packaging materials, and non-conforming products are also considered as the sources of contamination because they can contaminate the machine or products.

→ Solid, Liquid, Gas, or Flude might be considered a contamination source if it contaminates the product or machine.

05. Sources of Quality Defects

→ Quality Defect generation source is known as a Source of Quality Defects.

→ It can be foreign particles, shocks, vibrations, moisture content, concentration, viscosity, etc.

→ The Source of Quality defects are very as per the process and products.

Examples of Sources of Quality Defects

→ Foreign particles of dust, rust, powder, chips, moisture, wire scraps, wood pieces, paper pieces, stones, etc. can create quality defects. So they are known as the sources of quality defects.

→ In machine dropping, collision, or vibration can also create defects.

→ Sometimes inadequate cooling, heating, machining, etc create quality defects.

06. Unnecessary Items

→ At working place if any non-required item is available then it is called unnecessary items.

→ Unnecessary items may be any spares, machinery, pipes, measuring instruments, electrical things, and any other products that are not necessary at a particular place but it is still available.

Examples of Unnecessary Items

→ Unwanted material is available at working place like different types of machinery e.g. pumps, fans, compressors, blowers, pipes, hoses, ducts, valves, dampers, etc.

→ Different types of measuring instruments are available at the machine but not required. e.g temperatures and pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, etc.

→ Various spares and electrical equipment are available in the machine area but it is not required. e.g. wire, switches, plugs, boards, etc

07. Unsafe Places

→ The working place having unevenness, cracks, holes, projections, peeling, or, the slipping surface that can create any accidents that are called unsafe places.

→ Sometimes unsafe places may create a bad impact on humans or on machines.

Examples of Unnecessary Items

→ Working place is too steep, irregular, slipping, having crakes, holes, etc. called unsafe places.

→ If the emergency stop is not available at the machine that its also an example of an unsafe place.

→ Broken or cracked wire or hooks are available.

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