What are 7 QC Tools?

What are 7 QC Tools

→ 7 QC tools are systematic and scientific methods for problem-solving.

→ Also, they are used for product and process improvement.

→ They are used to solve almost 90% of shop floor problems very easily.

Table of Contents:

History of 7 QC Tools:

→ The Basic 7 Quality Control Tools originated after World War II in Japan.

→ Dr. Edwards Deming has played an important role in introducing statistical quality control methods.

→ He recommends the use of statistical methods to improve manufacturing quality.

→ After his work, Japanese industries have improved a lot in quality and processes in manufacturing.

→ Primarily Kaoru Ishikawa introduced the 7 QC Tools.

→ Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa was a professor at the engineering college at Tokyo University.

→ Ishikawa is known for the “Democratizing (Visual Aids/Symbols) Statistics”.

→ Good visual representation makes statistical and quality control more comprehensive.

→ The Basic 7 QC Tools gained popularity for their simplicity and effectiveness across the world.

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When to Use the Basic 7 QC Tools?

→ The Basic 7 Quality Control Tools are necessary for problem-solving and process improvement.

→ Each tool has its own specific applications and benefits.

Refer to the below-mentioned key points when we can use 7 QC tools:

  • For identifying potential causes of a problem
  • Useful during brainstorming sessions
  • When collecting data in a structured manner
  • For monitoring process trends or patterns over time
  • During the identification of the distribution of data
  • Prioritization of defects, causes, efforts, etc
  • Identify or validate the correlation between two variable
  • Process flow documentation, analysis, and improvement

Why to Use the 7 QC Tools?

  • A graphical technique that is easily understood by all
  • Most helpful in troubleshooting quality-related issues
  • They are fundamental tools for process and product quality improvement
  • This facilitates the organization to resolve basic problems
  • The 7 QC tools are easy to understand and implement
  • They do not require complex analytics and statistical skills
  • The basic 7 QC tools are simple yet powerful
  • We can get an 80% result by applying 20% of the effort

The Basic 7 QC Tools For Process Improvement:

➝ Now we will understand the Basic 7 QC Tools in detail.

The 7 QC Tools are:

  1. Flow Chart
  2. Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone or Ishikawa) 
  3. Checksheet
  4. Histogram
  5. Pareto Chart
  6. Scatter Diagram
  7. Control Chart

Note: We are considering the Flow Chart as a part of the 7 Basic QC Tools.

Also, you can consider stratification as a part of this tool.

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(1) Flow Chart:

"Flow Chart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operation to be performed to get the desired result."

→ It is a visual representation tool for a sequence of operations, therefore, we can easily illustrate the Internal and external operational boundaries.

→ A flow chart includes the steps involved in a process, the decision points, and the flow of control from one step to the next.

→ A flow chart is also called a "Process Flow Diagram."

Flowchart Examples

Purpose of Flowcharts:

  • Visualize Processes
  • Identify Inefficiencies
  • Standardize Procedures

Basic Elements of the Process Flow Diagram are:

  • Start
  • Steps
  • Decision
  • Outcomes
  • End

Basic Symbols Used in Flowcharts:

  • Symbol
  • Oval
  • Rectangle
  • Diamond
  • Arrow
  • Parallelogram

Steps to Create a Flowchart:

  • Define the Process
  • List Steps
  • Select Symbols
  • Draw the Flowchart
  • Review and Revise

Benefits of Using Flowcharts:

  • Clarity
  • Improvement
  • Communication

Use Cases:

  • Process mapping in manufacturing and service industries
  • Identifying areas for quality improvement in workflows
  • Documenting procedures for training and compliance

👉 Read our detailed article on Different Types of Flow Charts Explained with Examples

(2) Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone or Ishikawa):

"Cause and Effect Diagram is a meaningful relationship between an effect and its causes."

→ It guides concrete action and tracks the potential causes during an investigation of the effort to determine whether the item significantly contributes to the problem or not.

→ The cause and effect tool is a very popular root cause analysis tool.

Cause and Effect Diagram Examples

The Different Names of Cause and Effect Diagram are:

  • Ishikawa Diagram
  • Fishbone Diagram
  • Herringbone Diagrams
  • Fishikawa

→ A fishbone diagram can identify all possible cause(s) for the problem.

→ In this tool, we can find possible causes with the help of the 6M concept those are man, machine, material, method, measurement, and mother nature.

→ Also, we can use this tool in marketing as 8P analysis and service industry as 4S analysis.

Steps to Create a Cause and Effect Diagram:

  • Define the Problem
  • Identify Main Categories
  • Brainstorm Causes
  • Analyze and Prioritize

Benefits of Using a Cause and Effect Diagram:

  • Visual Representation
  • Team Collaboration
  • Problem-Solving

Use Cases of Cause and Effect Diagram:

  • Quality improvement projects
  • Problem-solving in manufacturing
  • Analyzing service delivery issues

👉 Check our detailed article on Cause and Effect Diagram Explained with Case Study

(3) Check Sheet:

"Check Sheet is a well-structured data sheet that is used for collecting and analyzing data." 

→ Data collected by the check sheet is used as input for the other tool and data can be collected based on asking a question by what, when, where, who, why, and how.

→ The purpose of a check sheet is to summarize the data and a tally count of event occurrences.

→ A check sheet counts the number of occurrences of an event, such as defects or non-conformance.

→ Hence the Check Sheet is also called a "tally sheet".

→ In many cases, a checklist will summarize countable data related to certain types of defects and will provide a rough graphical representation of wherein a part of the process, defects occurred.

Checksheet Examples

Key Aspects of a Check Sheet:

  • Structured Form
  • Real-Time Data Collection
  • Ease of Use
  • Data Visualization

Uses of a Check Sheet:

  • Defect Tracking
  • Data Collection
  • Process Improvement
  • Quality Control

👉 Read our detailed article on Different Types of Check Sheets Explained with Example

(4) Histogram:

"Histogram is a type of bar graph representing the frequency distribution of the data."

→ Karl Pearson introduced the Histogram which is a bar graph representing the frequency distribution on every bar.

→ Histograms are used to show whether the output of our process matches the customer's requirements or not?

→ Also, we can make the decision based on the data patterns plotted on the Histogram.

→ With the help of the graph we can analyze whether the process is capable of meeting customer requirements or not?

→ A histogram is a pictorial representation of a set of data.

Histogram Examples

Key Aspects of a Histogram:

  • Frequency Distribution
  • Bars
  • Intervals (Bins)
  • Patterns

Steps to Create a Histogram:

  • Collect Data
  • Determine the Range
  • Choose Intervals (Bins)
  • Count Frequencies
  • Draw the Bars
  • Interpret the Patterns

Uses of a Histogram:

  • Understanding Data Distribution
  • Identifying Patterns
  • Process Improvement
  • Quality Control

Different Types of Histogram are:

  • Normal Distribution
  • Skewed Distribution
  • Double-peaked or Bimodal
  • Multipeaked or Multimodal
  • Edge Peaked Histogram
  • Truncated or Heart-cut histogram

👉 Also read a detailed article on Different Types of Histograms Explained with Case Study

(5) Pareto Chart:

"Pareto Chart is a bar graph arranged in descending order of height from left to right."

→ Pareto chart shows the order of the largest number of occurrences by item or by classes and the cumulative sum total.

→ The Pareto analysis helps us to prioritize where we can get more benefits by applying fewer efforts.

→ It is also very popular as a prioritization tool.

→ It communicates the principle of 80:20.

→ The Pareto Principle gives us information about the Vital few from Trivial many.

→ Hence,  It is known as the "Vital few from Trivial many tool".

→ It states that 80% of an effect comes from 20% of the causes.

Pareto Chart Examples

Key Aspects of a Pareto Chart:

  • Bars
  • Cumulative Line
  • 80/20 Rule

Steps to Create a Pareto Chart:

  • Identify Problems/Causes
  • Measure Frequency or Impact
  • Sort Data
  • Calculate Cumulative Percentages
  • Draw the Chart

Uses of a Pareto Chart:

  • Prioritizing Problems
  • Resource Allocation
  • Process Improvement
  • Quality Control

👉 Read our detailed article on Pareto Chart Explained with Case Study

[6] Scatter Diagram:

"Scatter Diagram is used to study and identify the possible relationship between two variables."

→ It is used to identify and visualize the relationship between two variables.

→ Mostly the scatter diagram is used to validate the cause-and-effect relationships between two variables.

→ This tool helps in decision-making during the problem-solving process.

→ Also it helps to determine the correlation between two variables.

→ Scatter Diagram is the best validation tool.

Scatter Diagram Examples

Different names of the Scatter Diagram:

  • Scatter Plot
  • Scatter Graph
  • Correlation Graph
  • Scatter Gram

Key Aspects of a Scatter Diagram:

  • Axes
  • Data Points
  • Correlation

Steps to Create a Scatter Diagram:

  • Identify Variables
  • Collect Data
  • Plot Data Points
  • Analyze the Pattern

Types of Correlation:

  • Positive Correlation
  • Negative Correlation
  • No Correlation

Uses of a Scatter Diagram:

  • Identifying Relationships
  • Predicting Trends
  • Quality Control
  • Problem-Solving

👉 Also visit our detailed article on Scatter Diagram Explained with Example

[7] Control Chart:

"Control Charts are used for studying the process variation over time." 

→ The control chart was invented by Walter A. Shewhart working for Bell Labs in the 1920s.

→ A control chart is also known as a Shewhart chart or process-behavior chart.

→ With the help of this tool, we can determine whether a manufacturing process or a business process is in control or not?

→ The control chart is a graph which is used to study process changes over time

→ Comparing the above tool this is the best forecasting tool.

Control Chart Examples

Key Aspects of a Control Chart:

  • Data Points
  • Center Line (CL)
  • Upper Control Limit (UCL)
  • Lower Control Limit (LCL)
  • Control Limits

Steps to Create a Control Chart:

  • Collect Data
  • Calculate the Mean
  • Calculate Control Limits
  • Plot the Data
  • Analyze the Chart

Types of Control Charts:

  • X-bar Chart
  • R Chart
  • P Chart
  • C Chart
  • U Chart

Uses of a Control Chart:

  • Monitoring Processes
  • Identifying Variation
  • Quality Control
  • Process Improvement

👉 Read our detailed article on Control Chart Explained with Case Study

Benefits of 7 QC Tools:

  • Provides a structured approach for problem-solving
  • Easy to understand
  • Easy to implement
  • A scientific and logical approach
  • Improve the quality of products and services
  • Identifying and analyzing problems
  • Used for root cause analysis
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

Limitations of 7 QC Tools:

  • The accuracy of data collection depends on a person's skills
  • Statistical interpretation requires highly skilled persons
  • They are focused on identifying problems rather than preventing
  • Reactive approach
  • Focus on symptoms, not on root causes


→ Seven QC tools are most helpful in troubleshooting issues related to quality

→ Different factors cause different effects on the process and make them unstable.

→ Those parameters cause variation in the process.

→ These tools are the most helpful for improving the process.

→ We can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes by using these tools.

23 تعليقات

  1. very good presentation skill and to the point explaination

  2. Best in short...
    Great work Nikunj

  3. Simply wonderful. Thanks very much!

  4. this is a great initiative , well done

  5. Great good initiative 👍 a
    How to Download

  6. This is so helpful


  8. Sir can you please share process audit checklist


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